Today’s Economic Calendar

- Asian markets extended on Tuesday the wave of optimism that swept Monday’s trading in Europe and the US
- Australia’s main stock market index (AU200) rocketed to new record highs today
- We are also seeing a rebound in the semiconductor sector. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company’s shares rose 2.42%. At the same time, Tokyo Electron gained 4.7% and Lasertec gained 6.7%
Despite the considerable volatility observed at the beginning of the day (new records on Australian and US markets), the macro calendar scheduled for today’s session is relatively empty. The only noteworthy reading may be the JOLTS data from the US labor market.
Investors may also pay attention to speeches by Fed bankers later in the afternoon.
Futures contracts point to a higher opening for today’s cash session in Europe.
Detailed macro calendar:
03:00 pm GMT – US, JOLTS data for October. Expected: 7.48 million. Previously: 7.44 million.
05:35 pm GMT – USA, FED Kugler speech
08:45 pm GMT – USA, FED Goolsbee speech
09:40 pm GMT – USA, API survey data on oil inventories. Expected: -1.9 million. Previously: -5.93 million.
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